« Les Polyfolies de la Flûte à Bec et son Univers »
Salon International de Musique Ancienne


Tommaso SIMONETTA SANDRI – Traverso, Flûte à bec

Studies: He started studying the recorder when he was twelve under the guidance of prof. Gloria Uggeri (with whom he has performed at Casa della Cultura and the unified school Milano Spiga). In 2017 he graduated at G. Verdi high school for music in Milan (grade: 100/100). He graduated in Baroque Traverso with honours at the Conservatory G.Verdi of Milan (Bachelor’s degree). From 2019 he studies at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis with Prof.Marc Hantaï. Alongside his music studies, he has started university at Università degli Studi Milano Bicocca, Dept. of Psychological Sciences and Techniques.

Concerts: He co-operates with Medit-Lab Orchestra (in various Milan theaters among which Teatro dal Verme). In 2015 he performed with Orchestra Giovanile Lago Maggiore, playing in particular Saint Matthew Passion (BWV 244) at Basilica Sant’Ambrogio in Milan. Between 2016-2017 He participated in Festival Musicale at Oriolo, Festival Scatola-Sonora (with the Ancient Music department of Alessandria for which he performed “Il Paratajo” by N.Jommelli) and Monza MusicWeek. He played in several concerts with the Ancient Music department of Conservatorio di Milano at Conservatory and Castello Sforzesco. In 2018 he played a fully Renaissance repertoire in numerous concerts at S.Carlo al Lazzaretto church in Milan together with the consort of bass viols of Conservatorio di Milano. The same year he performed in Milan and Cremona in a trio (6/8 key flute, 19th century guitar and violin).

Auditions and contests: In 2011 he won the E.Arisi contest at Vescovato (cat. recorder, 98/100) and in 2012 he won the contest of the City of Cene (cat. recorder, 98/100). He has been selected to represent Conservatorio di Milano in Art Prize section: “music for ancient voices and instruments” for two subsequent years, 2016 and 2017. As first classified in “transverse baroque flute” section, he has been found fit at the auditions for Orchestra Nazionale Barocca dei Conservatori Italiani (Selection Board: Pascal Bertin, Paolo Grazzi, Gaetano Nasillo, Giovanni Togni, Daniele Ficola).

Extracurricular activities: He has taken part in various masterclasses held by Maestro G.B. Columbro. He has taken part in the Dono Delius day at Conservatorio N. Paganini of Genova. He has occasionaly worked as a voice actor and advertising speaker.